Urban Wick Candle Bar is excited to offer a special way for you to express your own unique style with our Birthstone Candle Vessels. Every month, we will be featuring one of our keepsake candle vessels in specially selected colors to reflect each month’s birthstone. For November, we offer the serene Yellow Topaz.
Peace & Harmony
Throughout much of history, all yellow gemstones were considered topaz and all “topaz” was thought to be yellow. Pure topaz itself is actually colorless - it only has coloring when it is tinted by impurities, resulting in a gemstone that can can come in a rainbow of hues.
The warm golden hue of the Yellow Topaz specifically has long been associated with bringing harmony and serenity to the family and home. The ancient Greeks believed the yellow topaz was a talisman providing strength to its wearer, rendering them invisible. Indians for centuries believed that when worn above the heart, it insured a long life, beauty, and intelligence. During the Renaissance, Europeans turned to the golden gem to ward off magic spells and diffuse anger.
Golden Beauty Of Brazil
The word “topaz” is believed to either be derived from the Sanskrit word "app". meaning fire or possibly the Greek name "topazos" for the ancient name for St. John’s Island in the Red Sea. For over two centuries, Brazil has been one of the most important sources for high-quality topaz.
As we hold onto the golden hues of fall, treat yourself to a November visit to Urban Wick Candle Bar. Celebrate your birthday or special November date with a fall-scented candle pour in our golden Yellow Topaz candle vessel. Carving out time for your November celebrations is the perfect way to enjoy this season of gratitude as we head into the winter holidays.